Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tobacco Use And Smoking Related Illness - 1659 Words

More than 480,000 people smoke every day and over 16 million people suffer from smoking related illnesses. For every dead smoker, at least thirty people live with a smoking related illness. Worldwide, tobacco use causes nearly six million deaths per year, and current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than eight million deaths annually by the year 2030. On average, smokers dies ten years earlier than nonsmokers and if smoking continue at the current rate among U.S. youth, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 years of age are expected to die prematurely from a smoking-related illness. This represents about one in every thirteen Americans aged 17 years or younger who are alive today. not only that but in 2012, $9.17†¦show more content†¦After some time the government has approved of the bill but unfortunately not everyone knows of it. I will be researching and collecting all the facts and present them to the general public and inform them of this law, hopefully convincing many public places that still allow indoor smoking to ban smoking. CHAPTER 2 While researching I found that in 2009, a report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded that there is sufficient evidence that implementation of smokefree legislation decreases respiratory symptoms in workers. In 2010, a report by the institute of medicine concluded that there is a causal relationship between smoke free laws and decreases in acute coronary events, although the report was unable to estimate the magnitude of this association. In 2013, a random-effects meta-analysis of 45 studies of 33 smokefree laws with a median follow-up of 24 months found that comprehensive smoke free laws were associated with lower rates of hospital admissions or deaths. For Adults in Ireland, France, Netherlands, and Germany, employees who worked in places that maintained or implemented smokefree policies were nearly twice as likely to stop smoking as employees who worked in places that allowed smoking everywhere. Also in Australian, Canadian, German, and U.S. communities, it was found that a smokefree workplace policy reduces smoking prevalence by 3.8% among employees who smoke. Reducing daily smoking by 3.1 cigarettes (per smoker)

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